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1. Introduction to GS certificationGS certification is based on the German Product Safety Act (SGS) and is a voluntary certification that is tested in accordance with the European Union‘s unified stan

District belong to:Germany
Hotline 188-2379-9985
GS Details

1. Introduction to GS certification

GS certification is based on the German Product Safety Act (SGS) and is a voluntary certification that is tested in accordance with the European Union's unified standard EN or the German industrial standard DIN. It is a German safety certification mark recognized in the European market. As a symbol of product safety and quality reliability, GS has been widely recognized by consumers in Germany and the European Union. The quality and safety of products with the GS logo exceed the level required by law. The GS mark can get a higher degree of recognition than the CE mark, because the GS certificate is issued by a third-party testing agency with certain qualifications.

The GS mark indicates that the safety of the product has been tested by a credible independent institution. Although the GS mark is not a legal requirement, it does enable manufacturers to be bound by strict German (European) product safety laws when a product malfunctions and causes an accident. Therefore, the GS mark is a powerful marketing tool that can enhance customers' confidence and desire to buy. Although GS is a German standard, it is recognized by most European countries. And while meeting the GS certification, the product will also meet the requirements of the European Community's CE mark. Unlike CE, there is no legal requirement for the GS mark, but because safety awareness has penetrated into ordinary consumers, an electrical appliance with the GS mark may be more competitive than ordinary products in the market.


The difference between GS certification and CE certification

GS certification CE certification
Voluntary certification non-comp Ülsory Compulsory Certification CompÜlsory
Applicable to German safety regulations for testing GS Applicable to European Standards (EN) for testing
Test content: safety standard Test content: EMC instruction + LVD instruction
Tested by an independent third party authorized by the German government and issued a GS mark certificate CE can be declared by itself under the premise of having complete technical documents (including test reports)
annual fee is required no annual fee
Annual factory inspection is mandatory No factory inspection required
The GS mark is issued by the authorized testing unit, with high credibility and market acceptance The factory's self-declaration of product compliance has low credibility and market acceptance


2. Certification mark



3. Product range

Household appliances, household electronic equipment, lighting products, audio-visual equipment, electrical and electronic office equipment, and other safety-related products.


4. Certification Standards

Product Category Certification standards
IT/AV class power supply/product








Wireless products








Home Appliances








medical products






Lighting products LED Bulb

EN 62560:2012+A1:2015
EN 62493:2015
EN 62471:2008 
IEC/TR 62778:2014

self ballasted fluorescent lamp

EN 60968:2015
EN 62493:2015
EN 62471:2008 

Fixed lamps

EN 60598-1:2015 
EN 60598-2-1:1989
EN 62471:2008 
IEC/TR 62778:2014
EN 62493:2015

Recessed lighting

EN 60598-1:2015 
EN 60598-2-2:2012
EN 62471:2008 
IEC/TR 62778:2014
EN 62493:2015

street light and street

EN 60598-1:2015 
EN 60598-2-3:2003+A1:2011
EN 62471:2008 
IEC/TR 62778:2014
EN 62493:2015


EN 60598-1:2015 
EN 60598-2-5:2015
EN 62471:2008
IEC/TR 62778:2014
EN 62493:2015

Standalone LED DriverDriver

EN 61347-2-13:2014
EN 61347-1:2015
EN 62493:2015


5. Test items

1. Working voltage 2. Failure test
3. Impact test 4. Vibration experiment
5. Impact test 6. Flammability test
7. Plug experiment 8. Protective connection conductor resistance
9. Input test 10. Power cord stress relief test
11. Electrical connection and fixing test 12. Leakage test
13. Accessibility test 14. Energy Hazard Check
15. Limited power supply test 16. Safety interlock device test
17. Printed circuit board test 18. Power supply case
19. Packaging and sealing parts inspection 20. Anti-external force test
21. Electrical equipment in the building (upper) 22. Electric shock test
23. Dielectric strength test 24. Label inspection and testing
25. Radiation test 26. Temperature rise test
27. SELV test 28. TNV test
29. Current limiting circuit test 30. Overload test
31. Manual device test 32. Battery explosion-proof test
33. Spill test 34. Clearance, creepage distance and insulation penetration distance
35. External wire terminal


The test items are added or subtracted based on the actual sample difference and the sample application standard.


6. Required information

1. Fill out the application form

2. Sign the master agreement

3. Information required for safety assessment

The CB certificate and report of the product can be provided, which must include the European group difference. Or provide the information required for safety assessment (instruction manual, parts list, circuit diagram and layout, structure diagram, specifications of transformers and other components, etc. )

4. Parts in contact with food (if any)

5. Nameplate (in German, the GS logo of the correct size is required.)

6. Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment Report (EMC) and Factory Declaration of Conformity (DOC)

7. German manual

8. Samples during shipment to complete structural review, type test or ergonomic test evaluation

9. If the product category is applicable, the evaluation report of Noise and EN50332 shall be provided

10. If the product category is applicable, the evaluation report of DMF and EMF shall be provided.


7. Certification process

1. First meeting: Through the first meeting, the testing agency or agency will explain the specific procedures of certification and relevant standards to the applicant's product engineer, and provide the required document form.

2. Application: The applicant submits the documents that meet the requirements. For electrical products, it is necessary to submit the general assembly drawing of the product, the electrical schematic diagram, the list of materials, the product use or installation manual, and the difference between the series and models.

3. Technical meeting: After the testing agency has checked the applicant's documents and materials, it will arrange a technical meeting with the applicant's technical staff.

4. Sample test: The test will be carried out in accordance with the applicable standards, and can be carried out in the manufacturer's laboratory or any laboratory of the inspection agency stationed in each country.

5. Factory inspection: GS certification requires inspection of safety-related procedures on the production site.

6. Issue GS certificate.


8. Certification cycle and validity period

The GS certification cycle depends on whether the product needs to be modified or the speed at which the manufacturer submits the required product documentation.

The GS certificate is valid within 5 years after it is promulgated by the certification body. During the validity period, the factory will review it once a year. After 5 years, the product test needs to be re-tested to obtain the GS certification.


9. Factory inspection

GS certification requires factory inspection, factory inspection content:

1. Quality management

2. Production line of certified products

3. Raw materials, purchased parts, spare parts

4. Measurement

5. Factory test institution

6. Technical documents and information

7. Technical service



Applicable to German safety regulations for testing GS

Online Application

Consulting service hotline 188-2379-9985





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Title Introduction


1. Introduction to GS certificationGS certification is based on the German Product Safety Act (SGS) and is a voluntary certification that is tested in...…



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