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1. Introduction to CertificationThe full name of UKCA is UK Conformity Assessed Marking, and the Chinese is the British conformity assessment mark. It is a new product mark launched by the United King

District belong to:U.K.
Hotline 188-2379-9985
UKCA Details

1. Introduction to Certification

The full name of UKCA is UK Conformity Assessed Marking, and the Chinese is the British conformity assessment mark. It is a new product mark launched by the United Kingdom to replace the use of the CE mark in the British market. The scope of application of the UKCA mark applies to England, Wales and Scotland, but not to Northern Ireland, covering most of the products that previously required the CE mark. Manufacturers can continue to use the CE mark on their products to enter the Great Britain market until 1 January 2025. Products on the British market from January 1, 2025 must be marked with the UKCA logo in accordance with relevant regulations.


2. Certification mark



3. Product range

1. Toy Safety

2. Leisure boats and personal watercraft

3. Simple pressure vessel

4. Electromagnetic Compatibility

5. Non-automatic weighing instruments

6. Measuring instruments

7. Lift

8. Explosion-proof

9. Radio equipment

10. Pressure equipment

11. Personal protective equipment

12. Gas appliances

13. Machinery

14. Outdoor noise

15. Eco-design

16. Aerosols

17. Low-voltage electrical appliances

18. Restriction of Hazardous Substances


Products covered by the UKCA logo, but with some special rules:

1. Medical equipment

2. Railway Interoperability

3. Construction products

4. Civilian explosives


4. Certification Standards


 Safety regulations and standards

 Electromagnetic compatibility standards

 IT/AV power supply/product

BS EN62368-1

BS EN60335-1

BS EN60335-2-29

BS EN55032

BS EN55035

BS EN61000-3-2

BS EN61000-3-3

 Wireless products

BS EN62368-1

BS ETSI EN 300 220

BS ETSI EN 300 440

BS ETSI EN 300 328

BS ETSI EN 301 357

BS ETSI EN 301 511

BS ETSI EN 301 489

 Household appliances

BS EN60335-1

BS EN60335-2-29

BS EN60335-XX

BS EN55014-1,

BS EN55014-2,

BS EN61000-3-2,

BS EN61000-3-3

 Medical products

BS EN60601-1

BS EN55011,

BS EN61000-6-2,

BS EN61000-3-2,

BS EN61000-3-3


5. Test items

 Certification category

 Test items

 LVD test items

 Power test, temperature rise test, withstand voltage test, impact test, ball pressure test, needle flame test, power cord tension test, etc

 EMC Test Program

 Conduction, power radiation, spatial radiation, magnetic field radiation, voltage flicker, harmonics, electrostatic discharge, surge/lightning stroke, voltage drop/interruption, etc.


6. Required information

1. Product description;

2. Product drawings and related instructions;

3. The evaluation basis for compliance with the basic requirements of laws and regulations;

4. Design calculation results, description of the tests performed, etc.;

5. Test report;

6. Product usage and installation instructions.

Note: The technical documentation must be prepared according to the specific requirements of each regulation, and the technical documentation must be retained for at least 10 years after the product is placed on the market.


7. Factory inspection

No factory inspection required


8. Matters needing attention

1. Products with the UKCA mark must be signed by the manufacturer or his authorized representative with a UK Declaration of Conformity (UK DoC).

2. (1) If the size of the logo needs to be reduced or enlarged, the letters of the UKCA logo must be scaled proportionally to the following styles;

(2) The height of the UKCA logo is at least 5mm (unless there are other minimum size requirements in individual laws and regulations);

(3) The UKCA logo is clearly visible (from 1 January 2025, it must be clearly visible and permanent).

3. There are transitional measures for the UKCA logo. Before January 1, 2025, you can choose to affix the UKCA logo on the product or accompanying documents. From 1 January 2025, the UKCA logo must be affixed directly to the product in most cases.

Note: The technical documentation must be prepared according to the specific requirements of each regulation, and the technical documentation must be retained for at least 10 years after the product is placed on the market.



Test content: safety regulations+electromagnetic compatibility+wireless+energy efficiency+chemistry

Applicable products: Product range required by UKCA standards

Mandatory or not: Yes

Factory inspection: None

Local agent: Yes

Plug type: British gauge

Voltage requirement: AC230V, 50Hz

Application method: direct application; Certificate transfer application (CE report can be transferred)

Certificate holder:

Certificate validity period: standard replacement requires reapplication

Official website:

Certificate query website:

Other supplements:

Online Application

Consulting service hotline 188-2379-9985





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Title Introduction


1. Introduction to CertificationThe full name of UKCA is UK Conformity Assessed Marking, and the Chinese is the British conformity assessment mark. It...…



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